Oct 13

Death Corgis.


Part 30 of the “Occupational Hazards” Story Arc.


This combines two of my interests: Corgis and 90’s alternative rock. Also, Brian the Corgi is named after my friend and former Parsons classmate — a genuine Corgi Enthusiast. Furthermore, Stumptown Coffee is some of my favorite coffee here in NYC.

Oct 13

Dead Celebrities.


Part 29 of the “Occupational Hazards” Story Arc.


Hey, another comic. Although I wrote this about a year ago, it’s lucky that Michael Jackson is recently in the news, what with that jury verdict.

Oct 08

Crossing Paths in the Waiting Room.


Part 23 of the “Occupational Hazards” Story Arc.


Just to let you know, guys, but this is apparently my 400th comic I’ve published since August 2003.

Anyway, my marketing adviser and close friend, Allan, gave me the suggestion of releasing a new comic every Wednesday. Since it’s about the same day that The Onion releases its new content, Allan says that most people will most likely check out (read: “not work and dick around on the internet”) their favorite websites and consequently associate my comic with The Onion. It’s worth a shot, I say.

In lieu of Halloween, however, expect some at least two comics next week: one pertaining to the story arc and another loosely based on the story arc but has a general Halloween “feel” to it.

If you haven’t noticed the difference from today’s comic and last Friday’s, I decided to color Nigel’s wings blue instead of yellow from now on. This change, in my opinion, is more graphically cohesive and corresponds with the plushies I’ve made over the years:

Highlight of the Day: Cherub Downe & Verona Red.

Storywise, this is the first time Nigel (kinda) interacts with another main character other than Randy. Of course, both Nigel and Randy are “invisible” characters — in the sense that they’re never seen but guide humans in conflicts of morality — but in unearthly realms (like Heaven), they can be seen clear as day. Then again, it seems that Nigel vaguely knows ZCC.

There you go.

Apr 08

Cheers, Folks.

A special announcement from me to you. Later folks.

Feb 08

Deal With The Jesus.


Part 21 of the “Occupational Hazards” Story Arc.


Continuing with the “Occupational Hazards” storyline from, oh NOVEMBER, Jeffro smashes his roommate ZCC (reincarnated as a talking toaster) into pieces. You see, after watching their other roommate, Chris, strive so hard in his hopeless job search, it’s Jeffro and ZCC’s intention to start up a band and prove they’re doing something with their lives. Of course, that means ZCC has to bargain with Death so he can be reincarnated into something that can actually play the guitar. In the afterlife, ZCC reunites with Death and tries to persuade her to give him a human body again. She replies she has a plan, but they need to see someone “higher up…”

Up to date? Good.

In this comic, I brought back Jesus’ angelic secretary, Ms. Milligan — a rarely seen, minor character that has popped up in a few comics. Also, the angel with dark hair and a scruffy beard is supposed to represent friend and fellow cartoonist/artist, Shane Pangburn, and NOT a relative to ZCC (although, in retrospect, that could become an interesting yet nonsensical plot device). Of course, my depiction doesn’t give him justice: he does have arms, shins, and a nose, and as far as I can tell, he doesn’t have wings. It’s actually Shane’s date o’ birth today, so if you see him, wish him (and his twin brother, too) proper congratulations for giving his mother what I can imagine was a most prolonged and excruciating labor process.

Another birthday comic next week, though I can’t promise it’ll relate to the storyline in any way.

Nov 07

ZCC and the Deathly Deaths.


Part 20 of the “Occupational Hazards” Story Arc.


It’s been a long, long time since I’ve drawn ZCC’s real, human form and Death. Death has always been a fun character to draw, and this time I made her wings more bone-ish rather than just weird-looking spikes. Her character’s design has, in Project Runway speak, been “fashion forward,” and I like drawing her with today’s trends in mind. And don’t expect this to be her last experience; I have big plans for her and nearly all of the main cast in a future, very significant storyline.

As you might know from “The End Of The Road” story arc, ZCC’s body was blown to smithereens. I took notice of the fact that his body doesn’t exist anymore, making it impossible for him to return to his original form. Of course, that’s not going to stop him from being reincarnated.

I’m playing around with the concepts of physical death, the afterlife, and even theology a little, and ZCC’s storyline is just a way to fully express my creative writing skills.

Nov 07

The Death of ZCC / Assisted Suicide.


Part 19 of the “Occupational Hazards” Story Arc.


So what have I been doing in my month-long hiatus? Well, like my character Chris (who is very much modeled after myself), I’ve been searching for a job, namely a graphic design/web dev job. So there, I have a perfectly legitimate excuse. I actually drew this comic about a month ago, but I decided not to publish it right away. One of the main reasons was that I wanted to hoard a few polished comics so I can unleash them onto the public in one shot — like a squirrel hoarding nuts for the winter, or Jessica Simpson saving her virginity for that dood.

Now I thought it’d be funny if I put Destroyer — aka Dan Bejar of also New Pornographers and Swan Lake fame — on Indie Rawk Jeffro’s t-shirt. After all, he is destroying his friend/roommate, ZCC. I also thought it’d be nice to put Cloud’s Buster Sword, just because I don’t see a lot of references to Final Fantasy VII in comics nowadays.

To see what transpires next, wait for Wednesday. Another new comic will definitely be up by then.

Sep 07

Triggered (Click).


Part 14 of the “Occupational Hazards” Story Arc.


I’ve been meaning to put this specific comic up for at least two weeks, but I was trying to save it so I can release at least a full week of comics. I’ve been pretty uninspired lately, but I am the midst of inking a comic I hope I’ll publish tomorrow.

Anyhoo, so here’s a new comic — continuing from over a month ago.

If there’s one thing that I find funny on a personal level, it’s mental health. And honestly, if Third Eye Blind’s “Jumper” can’t prevent you from committing suicide, you might as well kill yourself.

Aug 07

Oh, Ceans!


Part 13 of the “Occupational Hazards” Story Arc.


Word of advice: always know the details of the job you’re applying for, especially if it’s in the mental health field. If Sigmund Freud is your interviewer, you know you need to be ultra-qualified.

It’s been a while since the character Lindsey appeared (I think since Halloween 2006). Like the real life character she’s based upon, I drew Lindsey with a cat named Shiar.

Lastly, I’ve drawn some sketches of what Chris would look like if he cleaned up a little and didn’t stuff his messy hair underneath a cap. I think he looks more professional. Now I don’t know if I did it subconsciously, but he looks eerily similar to Jim Halpert from “The Office.”

Jul 07

Occupational Hazards.


Part 1 of the “Occupational Hazards” Story Arc.


Yes, I am going to draw comics full-time again now that I no longer have to worry about school (although finding a real, professional job may take some importance — but not really). As such, this entire storyline revolves around the search, the discovery, and the trials of working. The arc will tie up some loose ends from other arcs, create new plot threads, bring back some old characters, and introduce new ones. I have a lot in store for this comic, so be prepared… or afraid…. well, whatever emotion comes naturally to you.

And Happy Birthday to TWLSB Friend, Tom and fellow cartoonist, Marty. May old age bring wisdom and happiness to your remaining years.

Copyright © 2024 Phillip Retuta