Apr 05

I Like the Word “Amok.”

All senior engineering students have to design and work on a final project. They often have a company sponsor their final projects.

Also, for your information, LAS stands for “Liberal Arts and Sciences,” and LAS majors remain rivals to engineering students.

I also must reiterate that I like the word “amok.”

Apr 05

Smashtastic Destructo-Bot.

Smashtastic Destructo-Bot was first introduced (or constructed) here, during the “Rules of Attraction” storyline.

Oh, and it wasn’t the final storyline; just the last one of the school year.

Mar 05
Nov 04
Jul 04

Sideways Hydraulics.

It’s called driftin’.

Apr 04

Caffeinated Tim Returns.

This comic is one of many that shows Jen working at a coffee shop. I suppose, being the level-headed of all the characters, it’s not unusual for her to have a normal job. Oh, and frat boys really do snort coke.

Apr 04

Thoughtless, Sausage-Fest Style.

For April Fools’ Day, the other cartoonists and I decided to draw each other comics. I got Matt Yurkanin’s “Thoughtless”, and I drew and wrote his comic like a poorly-dubbed Anime. And yes: Yurk’s Booker T’s character resembled Pikachu, the villain is Dr. Weird from “Aqua Teen Hunger Force,” and that’s Sailor Moon and Hello Kitty at the end.

Check out the rest of the collaborations/swaps here:
Joe Martin takes on Matt Vroom’s “I Hate Pam.”
Matt Yurkanin takes on Pat Doran’s “The Way Life Should Be.”
Matt Vroom taking on my comic, “Sausage-Fest.”
Pat Doran takes on Joe Martin’s “Boy.”

Mar 04
Mar 04

Interlude: Time Machine.

A quick interlude during the Rules of Attraction storyline, whose origial run started in February 2004.

Anyway, all the DI artists and I collaborated on a single theme that day, and we all had to include the line, “We’re going back…! …To the future, Marty!”

Here are the rest of the cartoonists’ Back to the Future comics:

Matt Vroom’s “I Hate Pam”

Pat Doran’s “The Way Life Should Be”

Matt Yurkanin’s “Thoughtless”

Dec 03

Interview with the Vampire Rocker.

The roommates conduct a series of interviews, of which include P.A.T. (of Pat Doran’s comic, “The Way Life Should Be”) and Dumbrella’s Red Robot.

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