May 06
I can honestly say that this is one of my favorite comics of mine. As opposed to the other comics, this one’s not that funny at all but rather endearing and sincere.
Drawing — or painting, in this case — the snow was a fun and interesting touch to the black negative space, and the minimal dialogue allowed more attention and focus to the actual art. In the last panel, I wanted to convey an environmental change (ie, the wind blowing the snow into a specific direction; pathetic fallacies and all), but I’m not sure if I did it right. Overall, though, I am deeply satisfied with this certain strip.
Now that this particular storyline is nearly complete and I am a busy person (despite my love of watching Cartoon Network for several consecutive hours and logging onto MySpace every 5 minutes), I’m going to reduce the number of new comics from everyday to Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I promise you, though, the art and writing will be of the utmost calibre… and in two weeks, the new storyline “Love Is In The Air” will premiere!
Other news: Pat Doran’s “The Way Life Should Be” is back with its final, DI-run comics! And if that’s not cool enough, he officially launched his site! Check out the link!
Other other news: The Wings Gallery show went very well! You can check out some pictures of the night on my Flickr page!
May 06
We’re winding down on the storyline here but more than complicating Chris and Lizzy’s relationship. Heh, who knew I could get serious on this comic?
I’m starting to make Sausage-Fest.com promos, by the way:
And the show’s tomorrow!
Apr 06
The “Six Pack” is the name of 6 dorms here in Illinois. To be honest, most of the kids who live there tend to be the rowdiest bunch of partiers on campus — namely because they are the closest to both the campus bars and a primarily Greek neighborhood.
In other news, I’ve finished some artwork of Lizzy and Caitlin. Check it out. I’ve also drawn up some 1″ buttons of Nigel and Randy, and they should be out on sale within the next few weeks.
Apr 06
I really want to take a trip to Britain and see if the customs I’ve listed here really are true. For instance, I want to know — and this is an open question to anyone from across the Atlantic or just knows their stuff on British culture — if they celebrate their 18th birthdays like Americans celebrate their 21st birthdays.
Of course, we all know that Brit Pop Rock is grossly overrated. Now, if you excuse me, I’m going to finish listening to my Tom Vek and Bloc Party CDs…
Apr 06
Chris’ character, since the beginning, has been pretty naive, passive, and spineless. In this comic, I wanted to give him a backbone, which proves that he has grown as a character.
Lizzy’s dance movements was challenging to draw, so I modelled her body structure after a few photographs of people dancing. How I love Flickr.
Apr 06
Drawing Lizzy dancing and Cailtin tackling Jeffro was a task, but I think the comic turned out pretty well.
Of course, drawing Jeffro getting beaten up and Lizzy in any situation is always fun.
Given the situation, I find it odd that the bar will allow a fight to occur and a girl to dance on top of their tables… but, then again, it is a campus bar…
Mar 06
Frat boys…!
On a completely unrelated note, I have painted (more like spray painted) some new stuff here. Okay, time to make a pizza. Nite y’all!
Mar 06
I always say you can’t have a proper storyline without Duder the Stereotypical Frat Boy. The mention of VD Chalmers is a spoof of CO Daniels (my ex-employers at the DI prohibited me from using the official names of real bars), a local Champaign-Urbana bar that caters to idiot freshmen and skanky Greeks.
Oh, and keep watch for site changes; I’m adding a few spiffy graphics to the pages.