May 06


Ah, but it’s definitely not the end! April Fools… in May!

This is simply a teaser of things to come, and I feel by revealing Caitlin as Lizzy’s roommate will only brew trouble for everyone. As you can see, not only does she lie to Lizzy, but Caitlin also set her up with Duder! It’s fun to make a character so deliciously evil.

What are Caitlin’s intentions and is everyone who comes in contact with her an unwilling pawn in her diabolical game of backgammon?

May 06

All’s Well That Ends Well.

As you can see, unlike Jeffro, Caitlin can take a punch or two. She’s virtually unharmed after this fight!

She’s evil and manipulative, and her intentions remain a mystery to everyone. Heck, even me, her creator!

Caitlin lights up a cigarette and, as Chris and a wounded Jeffro watch, walks towards the morning sun. A fitting ending, I feel, for what has been a really long and interesting story…

May 06

Duck Fucking.

I started this storyline over three years ago; I left the story unfinished midway through the Murphy’s Pub scenes. When I resumed drawing this story arc, I was forced to resort to Chris’s old design: brown-haired and with no hat. In this comic, however, I decided to use Chris’s current design with the hat.

Site-wise, the categories section is up and running. With the help of some awesome plugins by Hit or Miss and Polymorph, the categories are weighted just like Flickr Tags. Check it out!

May 06


We’re winding down on the storyline here but more than complicating Chris and Lizzy’s relationship. Heh, who knew I could get serious on this comic?

I’m starting to make Sausage-Fest.com promos, by the way:

And the show’s tomorrow!

May 06

Tying Up Loose Ends.

Again with the delays! What’s wrong with me? Anyway, it’s always fun to tie up loose ends. In other news, I — along with others — have a gallery opening this Thursday…

Grand Opening
7 pm – 9 pm
Thursday, May 4th
Wings Gallery
425 Fawell Blvd.
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

The show runs through May 2006, and I’ll be showcasing a lot of my Sausage-Fest work. There will be refreshments and (if my package comes in on time), I’ll be giving away free buttons. This is your only chance, my friends, before I inflate the price and charge you all up the ass for Sausage-Fest buttons! SCROOGE MCDUCK!

Apr 06

Mallard About You.

Ever made out with a duck? IT’S AMAZING.

Apr 06

Meet My New Boyfriend.

Oy! Sorry for the delay. I was swamped with graphic design work yesterday, not to mention that it was also my 23rd birthday.

Jeffro and Caitlin are an even match for each other — at least when it comes to fighting. But, according to the first panel, where does one necessarily find a wrench and a hunting knife in a bar?

On the other hand, Caitlin and Kyle the Duck are a perfect pair: both are moderately sinister and both like to wear black.

Speaking of fashion, I have placed an order to the good people at PureButtons.com for 100 Nigel and Randy 1″ pins. These two are new designs apart from what I had drawn a year ago, so whoever owns the old Nigel and Randy buttons (Pat Doran, I’m looking at your general direction) you may wanna get a hold of these:

Apr 06

Realizations Upon Realisations.

I really want to take a trip to Britain and see if the customs I’ve listed here really are true. For instance, I want to know — and this is an open question to anyone from across the Atlantic or just knows their stuff on British culture — if they celebrate their 18th birthdays like Americans celebrate their 21st birthdays.

Of course, we all know that Brit Pop Rock is grossly overrated. Now, if you excuse me, I’m going to finish listening to my Tom Vek and Bloc Party CDs…

Apr 06

Chris Develops a Backbone.

Chris’ character, since the beginning, has been pretty naive, passive, and spineless. In this comic, I wanted to give him a backbone, which proves that he has grown as a character.

Lizzy’s dance movements was challenging to draw, so I modelled her body structure after a few photographs of people dancing. How I love Flickr.

Apr 06

OJ Simpson Versus Queen Scorpion Woman / This Bud’s for You.

Needless to say, this was a fun comic to draw.

In other news, Pat Doran fractured his elbow and asked me to draw his comics for the week. He wrote the dialogue but gave me full reign on the art. You can check out the comics here.

Copyright © 2024 Phillip Retuta