Jan 08

Jeffro’s “…Top 20 Albums of 2007” Part 5.

Thanks goes out to Sara Kass, who was the first vinyl-collecting, indie hipster to answer my 5am text regarding whether or not vinyl records do come with liner notes. That should be a clear indication of: 1) how dedicated I am to making comics, even forgoing sleep, and 2) that I don’t own any vinyl.

So there you have it, folks: my favorite albums of the year. Feist’s newest album — which is a little bit happier and more upbeat than “Let It Die” — is actually frighteningly addicting, especially if you accompany her music with Patrick Daughters’ superb video-making abilities.

Of Montreal consistently puts on interesting live shows, and “Hissing Fauna…” was definitely my favorite album of the summer.

Now I fell madly in love with The National after repeatedly listening to “Boxer,” and even though I didn’t think so highly of them at the time, it helped me reconnect with “Alligator” (which I feel is a less cohesive BUT nonetheless better album).

Lastly, I started listening to The Arcade Fire’s “Neon Bible” as soon as I started my last semester of college and felt it was at least on par with “Funeral.” Even though it was a close battle between The Arcade Fire and The National for the number one spot, watching the former in concert immediately after graduation stirred up old feelings and rekindled my love of the album.

And just to recap my Jeffro’s Top 20 Albums of 2007, especially if you’re too lazy to check the archives:
20) Vampire Weekend – Vampire Weekend
19) Justice – Cross
18) Band of Horses – Cease to Begin
17) Battles – Mirrored
16) Iron & Wine – The Shepherd’s Dog
15) St. Vincent – Marry Me
14) Ted Leo & The Pharmacists – Living with the Living
13) Radiohead – In Rainbows
12) Menomena – Friend and Foe
11) Stars – In Our Bedroom After The War
10) The New Pornographers – Challengers
09) Panda Bear – Person Pitch
08) LCD Soundsystem – Sound of Silver
07) Spoon – Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga
06) Kevin Drew – Spirit If…
05) Voxtrot – Voxtrot
04) Feist – The Reminder
03) Of Montreal – Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer?
02) The National – Boxer
01) The Arcade Fire – Neon Bible

Jan 08

Jeffro’s “…Top 20 Albums of 2007” Part 4.

LCD Soundsystem’s “All My Friends” was definitely my anthem of 2007, particularly since it was my last year of college and I had to say farewell to a lot of good people. Likewise, I couldn’t stop listening to “New York, I Love You But You’re Bringing Me Down” while I visited NYC for the very first time.

Even though I hate writing and saying the name of Spoon’s latest album, I think “Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga” is a better record than “Gimme Fiction” — it’s just Spoon stripped down and doing whatever the hell they want since “Kill The Moonlight.”

Now I am the biggest, HUGEST, and possibly phattest Broken Social Scene fan, and even though it’s labeled as a solo album, it still sounds like Broken Social Scene. “Gang Bang Suicide,” for instance, reminds me of a male-version of “Anthems For A Seventeen Year-Old Girl.”

I first encountered Voxtrot in concert during a music festival, and I enjoyed both their music and energy. They just seem like a bunch of swell, down-to-earth fellows, and if I ever meet them in person, I’d love to buy them all a beer.

Jan 08

Jeffro’s “…Top 20 Albums of 2007” Part 3.

From here on, these are the albums I simply can’t stop listening to. I absolutely love Memomena’s track, “Rotten Hell,” especially when I’m pissed off.

The New Pornographers’ latest album is definitely a grower: at first I didn’t think too much of it, but after repeated listens to “Challengers,” “Failsafe,” and “Go Places,” I’ve come to the realization that this is perhaps my favorite New Pornographers album — it’s just a lot more mellow and mature than their previous work.

Recently, I’ve fallen in love with Panda Bear, and if I had listened to it when his album first came out, it would have most likely ended up in the top 5.

Suffice to say, I bought Stars’ newest CD when it first came out, and although it was originally going to be in the top 5, I had a change of heart. I mean, while compiling this Top 20 list, I thought long and hard as to which albums I included. Then, after much introspection, I had to decide which of these albums are: a) repeated listens, 2) have made a profound impact on me, and iii) are just fucking great, cohesive albums and rank them accordingly. None of that looking at Pitchfork or Tiny Mix Tapes to guide my choices… all of these are certifiably Phillip-approved (and one day I’ll patent that approval).

Jan 08

Jeffro’s “…Top 20 Albums Of 2007” Part 2.

If you look really, really closely, all of my favorite albums are in the background of the comic. I mean, sure, you can get unspeakably observant (read: nit-picky) and find out which albums made my Top 20 list — saving you, the reader, the time from actually coming back here each day. Of course, where’s the love?

Jan 08

Jeffro’s “…Top 20 Albums of 2007” Part 1.

I decided to post my own top 20 albums of the year — all through the perspective of Jeffro. So despite how much I make fun of these bands and their albums, I really do love them. It’s a love-hate relationship.

Nov 07

The Death of ZCC / Assisted Suicide.


Part 19 of the “Occupational Hazards” Story Arc.


So what have I been doing in my month-long hiatus? Well, like my character Chris (who is very much modeled after myself), I’ve been searching for a job, namely a graphic design/web dev job. So there, I have a perfectly legitimate excuse. I actually drew this comic about a month ago, but I decided not to publish it right away. One of the main reasons was that I wanted to hoard a few polished comics so I can unleash them onto the public in one shot — like a squirrel hoarding nuts for the winter, or Jessica Simpson saving her virginity for that dood.

Now I thought it’d be funny if I put Destroyer — aka Dan Bejar of also New Pornographers and Swan Lake fame — on Indie Rawk Jeffro’s t-shirt. After all, he is destroying his friend/roommate, ZCC. I also thought it’d be nice to put Cloud’s Buster Sword, just because I don’t see a lot of references to Final Fantasy VII in comics nowadays.

To see what transpires next, wait for Wednesday. Another new comic will definitely be up by then.

Oct 07

I Can Sing, Too!


Part 18 of the “Occupational Hazards” Story Arc.


Sorry about the pretty heavy text at the bottom of the comic; poor planning on my part.

So begins side story C of the “Occupational Hazards” arc: Jeffro and ZCC start a band (the other stories, of course, being Chris getting a job and the whole Nigel/Randy affair — and believe me, they’ll all intertwine eventually). So ZCC’s been a toaster for about 2 years already, and I felt it’s time to give him an entirely new body. It’s also been a long time since I’ve drawn his original human form, too, which was more enjoyable to draw than a toaster. Toaster’s are too easy.

And I hate to outright reveal the small, important details of any artistic piece, but do take note of all the black and the crows. They may have “symbolism” later.

Mar 07

Facebook and Term Papers.

First of all, I’ve decided to place Photoshopped backgrounds in the comics again. It’s a lot easier (albeit tedious) than drawing out the backgrounds, and they appear a bit snazzier.Now, there’s one thing I have noticed every time I enter a computer lab: nearly everyone is looking at Facebook. I know from experience that it sucks to go to a full computer lab to print out a paper and have to wait for someone to get off a computer. However, what is more blowfully suckilicious is that about 75% of the people using the computers are looking at either Facebook or MySpace. Yes, I see you browsing Tammy’s picture album entitled “UnOfFiciAL 2007!” Yes, I see you messaging David asking how Saturday’s party went. But seriously people, some of us need to use the computers for more important things like papers and scat porn.

Feb 07

Valentine’s Day Cards 2007!

It’s that time of year again: printable, cuttable, giveable Valentine’s Day Cards! Thanks to Tim, Todd, Tim, and Jeff for inspiring me with some of the cards.For more Valentine’s Day action, check out previous years’ cards:

  • Valentines 2006.
  • Valentines 2005.
  • Valentines 2005, again.
  • Valentines 2004.
  • 25
    Dec 06

    Christmas Cards 2006!

    No, I’m not dead. I’m like the Jesus; I always come back.

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